I generally use PrntScr button given on the keyboard to take screen shots. Now regarding my reasons while i need this app badly. Here is my profile id and its needless to say that i have liked your facebook page The reason will follow but first let me put my facebook profile id so that you can check that i have liked you facebook page. I think i have a strong case on why i need this app badly.

You can download the free 30-day trial of Snagit here, and if you win all you have to do is activate it using the license key. Please only comment or retweet this contest once duplicate entries will not increase your chances of winning.

The contest starts immediately and ends Friday – 4/8. All winners will receive a free Snagit 10 license key. Additionally, we’ll be drawing three random winners for Method One. We’ll be picking a First Prize Winner from Method Two and a Runner Up. Capture a candid and/or humorous and/or embarrassing moment with Snagit and share it with us ( Drunk Skype? Busted on a ninja edit? Freudian typo?).Show us the grooviest screen capture you can muster using the Snagit free trial.Attempt to take and annotate a screenshot with a program that is woefully inferior to Snagit and tweet it at us ( hashtag #groovyPost, too) or post it in the comments.Leave a comment below telling us how you would use Snagit to solve your unique screen capture needs.You can do this in whatever fashion you think will make the strongest case. Prove to us how badly you need a copy of Snagit. “Like” us on our groovyPost Facebook Page -AND. Retweet this post and include the hashtag #groovyPost so we can find it. “Like” us on our groovyPost Facebook Page:

Note: If you don’t have a Facebook account, groovy! Just post a comment below help spread the word on your favorite social media site! Method One – The Easy Way To enter for your chance to win a free Snagit 10 license, complete one of the two methods below: But we thought it’d be more fun if we made you work for it. We figured that a random drawing would be the fairest way to choose our winners for a free copy of Snagit 10. That’s why we’re pumped to be able to give away five (5) full Snagit 10 licenses, courtesy of the fine folks at TechSmith. And while the full license is worth every single penny, we know that you’d love it even more if it were free. We guarantee that you’ll love it as much as we do. If you haven’t yet, go grab the 30-day free trial of Snagit 10 for Windows right now.